Hi! I'm Andrea.

I'm a 16 year old hacker from California. I like computers and cells.

Accessible education is really important to me. I also strongly believe in pursuing math and making as an art.

I'm currently building related projects and research! Check out the other tabs to see what I've been up to.

Outside of that, I'm an ardent lover of Studio Ghibli, Stardew Valley, Nintendo, and boba. I find any and all things fascinating, and I'm always happy to share a good conversation with someone. Thanks for visiting!

See you around!

p.s. i wasn't joking when i said i'd love to share a convo with you! reach me at andrea [at] andrearyang.com for any occasion.

Kodama from Princess Mononoke, a Ghibli film!Why kodama?
Forest at night in Breath of the Wild.Why?